According to a well know web-browser (with two “G’s” in its name”, when I recently asked “What is Love?”, the reply was, “Love is that feeling when you can’t stop thinking about someone, unless you have indigestion”..!

Clearly somebody has a sense of humour at the aforementioned company, and as a result I never thought that my reaction to certain foods was a sign of affection..!

But of all the words we use in our respective languages about our feelings, perhaps “Love” is the one most overused.

Okay, we know that we love those closest to us and perhaps that may overspill to others on occasion, but the word love tends to be used in circumstances where the definition of devotion and affection may not be wholly appropriate.

For example, “I love that dress”, or “I love lasagne” or “I love yellow”.  The word of love is substituted as a brief affirmation of something that is liked a lot.

The very word and emotion of love is very prevalent in most popular music genres.  Love is used to describe songs about the commencement of a relationship, the length and sometimes even at the parting of the ways.

The most recognised symbol of “love” is the heart, usually coloured in red.  Some now make the heart symbol with their hands or invisibly draw it to symbolise its meaning.  More recently with social media apps, floating hearts a plenty provides affirmation of another person’s post.


Love now touches all genders and relationships – the concept of “one-love” goes beyond heterosexual liaisons and now recognises the union of same-sex couples.

In sport, music, entertainment and pretty much every other situation, “love” is a word often mentioned.  Sport team venues have “choose love” banners and insignia amongst advertising boards – a far cry from 20 maybe 10 years ago.

So, on this special day and as a tribute to Saint Valentine, make the word “love” special.  Whilst we may not all be able to share love with someone or something special, it is likely that some time in the past you have enjoyed the feeling.


And as a special message to “the one I love”… I “Heart” You..!!